York People First Training Session At The University.
Posted by YorkPeople
On Monday 14 March 2022 York People First went to the University of York – James College to do a training session with the Students arranged by Katie Graham for the first time since the Coronavirus Pandemic started back in 2020 and the first one since our Project Worker Sandra passed away in April 2019 which resulted in us having to leave our Office at York ECO Business Centre. We firstly introduced ourselves before we went into groups to explore the history, achievements and the future of York People First. This session sends out the message that we are still around and are available for anyone who needs us to help them run a Self Advocacy awareness Training Session in York or beyond York. We have been as far as Luton. Feedback from the Students was really positive and the Group feel it was an excellent session and feels like York People First are on their way back. Trustee Michael Scott even announced in the Training Session he is set to help the Learning Disability Nurse at York District Hospital where he has been a Volunteer for the last two years. If you would like us to help with any Training in York or beyond York do e-mail us we will be happy to help. Well Done York People First for putting on a great Training Session.

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