York People First Self Advocacy Meet Up.
Posted by YorkPeople
York People First will be having a Self Advocacy Meet Up on Thursday 27 January 2022 at York Explore.
What is it?
York People First are having a A ‘Self
Advocacy Meet Up’. This will be a safe
space to speak up about, share, and listen
to things that are important to people with
learning difficulties in York.
At the meeting we can talk about;
• What is self advocacy?
• What barriers do people with
learning difficulties in York face?
• What needs to change?
But also we plan to have a bit of creative
fun too.
The meeting is for people with learning
difficulties and their ‘allies’ too.
Where will it be?
In the Garden Room, at the back of York
Explore, Library Square, York, YO1 7DS.
Where can I get more information?
If you would like to know more, or to let us
know you will come along you can phone
Stephen on 07951 050153 or email us
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